This blog is about the infamous Horse Thief, the shadowy guy born on May 1st, 1917 in the Old Town of Tiflis - today Tbilisi, the grooving capital of Georgia.

Monday, February 18, 2008


ht-treppe-aufwaerts, originally uploaded by grijsz.

from a todays photo session with Lela Meparishvili at Sayat-Nova-Street


jerry waese said...

well my granfather told me stories of his escape from russia where he was a horse thief among other occupations in the pre 1917 era. but they were usually not even stories, just lies and innuendo.

Hans said...

In certain parts of the Caucasus it had even been an more or less honorable profession. So maybe there is some truth in the stories he told you. Where exactly in Russia had he been ?

Thanks for the comment, Jerry !